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Breaking into the fashion industry

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

Understanding how to be recognised

The fashion industry is widely known for its rather cut-throat mentality, daunting presence, and saturation of designers and artists, all trying to make a name for themselves. Embedded within this, is an industry driven by nepotism and ever-changing trend patterns. Breaking into the world of fashion seems like an unforgiving task, strictly limited to those prepared to give up everything.

Yet, despite the overwhelming presence of the industry, making a bold entrance may not be as difficult, as previously thought. With a world underpinned by connections and mutual relationships, the fashion industry becomes a relatively small place. Mutual connections help serve and create career paths within fashion. A key determinant has proved to be the initial showcasing platform. Organisations such as Undiscovered LDN are fundamental in providing this early-stage commitment and fashion show programme, to help increase artists' brand presence. It allows artists to deviate away from the obliged unpaid internships and voluntary work, gaining more individual appreciation and support. Like-minded individuals serve to promote those left unheard and the triumvirate of promotion, exposure and support, of early-stage talent, is essential in helping kickstart fashion careers.

Undiscovered LDN encourages the development of undiscovered talent, and in doing so, helps alter fashion norms, providing a platform to showcase alternative ability. It is not a simple shortcut into the fashion industry but can be integral to the establishment of an artist’s presence.

Understanding Yourself

As well as being given the opportunity to showcase work in a highly reputable fashion show, connection with oneself is another important factor, and one that is often overlooked. Identifying individual goals and purpose is essential to the success of any project. Creatives must be aware of individual targets and goals set to be achieved in order to understand the necessary level of commitment needed. In a world dominated by visual aesthetics, fashion pieces become direct reflections of an artist’s vision. Recognising the reason behind your artwork therefore becomes key. What is it that you are envisaging and how can you portray this in a tangible piece of work? Connecting with oneself can help assist in supporting this widely expansive practice.

Breaking into the fashion industry is by no means a simple task. Yet, by establishing relationships with others, utilising support, and connecting with oneself, will all help to provide an ideal start, directing you towards a more streamlined entrance into the world of fashion.



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